

    *Fii la curent cu noul trend!


    Headbands are enjoying a new lease of life. They’re back on the map and are set to be the coolest, trendiest accessory this New Year.
    Normally worn by girls to keep their hair off their faces, especially at school, they are now a fashionista staple.
    The Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, was the first to go for them, replacing her classic hats with more modern models which were very similar to maxi padded headbands. Not far behind her was her sister Pippa, a big fan of oversized headbands too.
    Practical and sophisticated, they look great with casual looks, as well as more elegant styles. Whatever the size, colour or fabric you choose.
    Headbands have become the hottest hair trend for New Year’s parties, as they are quick and easy but still elegant. The golden (and only) rule is to choose the model that suits your cut or style. The length of your hair doesn’t matter: headbands are great for anyone with long hair, as well as mid-length and short styles like bobs. If you want a perfectly groomed look without a hair out of place, we suggest you secure any loose strands at the front near your ears with hair grips before putting your headband on.


    If you have mid-length hair, choose a headband embellished with coloured stones and rhinestones, a real touch of class that will enhance your cut and make your style ultra-glam.
    Pearls, on the other hand, have a dainty, very bon ton and refined allure. Perfect for the elegant look for a big night out. Stunning on long hair.
    Leopard print headbands are a nod to the renewed interest in animal prints, giving you another weapon as you battle it out in the urban jungle. They have sexy, transgressive overtones and will get you noticed!
    And if you have wavy hair, nothing beats a padded headband in loud, vibrant, girly colours to make a fun and laid-back statement.
    Headbands aren’t just for long, loose hair though. They also look cool with ponytails and casual or sporty-chic updos. Go for knotted models that wouldn’t look out of place on a pin-up.
    Narrow headbands are perfect if you’re after the minimal look, the “now you see it, now you don’t” effect. And when embellished with rhinestones and worn with a short bob, they are the ultimate in glamour.

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