

    *Fii la curent cu noul trend!


    Nature is an enigma. A poison can be used to make an antidote; one drop of flower extract can cure, while two drops can kill. The tiny leaves of plants conceal immense powers. The art we pursue is all about finding these forces and putting them at the service of the hair and its wellbeing. They are pure energy, before chemistry, capable of fighting scalp diseases, counteract hair loss and restore the balance between beauty and wellbeing. Forces which only the skilled hands of master herbalists can distil and preserve, combining traditional galenical skill with contemporary technology.

    • Pharmaceutical
      efficacyTested efficacy. Always!
      All our products must guarantee maximum efficacy right away, while also respecting the physiology of the skin and hair.
    • Galenic
      vocationScience in control of nature.
      With love. Every one of our products perfectly combines the galenical method with today’s scientific approach.
    • Total sensorial involvementThe vocabulary of Medavita products speaks directly to the emotional sphere as it is highly SENSORIAL, stimulating the “basic structure” of experience.
    • Genuine
      BeautyA strange, rather inhuman concept of beauty! But we think of beauty in terms of “with”, rather than “without”. A woman is beautiful with her differences, with her years, with all her flaws.

    Pharmaceutical efficacy

    Tested efficacy.

    All our products must guarantee maximum efficacy right away, while also respecting the physiology of the skin and hair. This is why every one of our skin and hair treatments is made from ethical, natural, strictly renewable ingredients carefully selected by our Research and Development Laboratories, and then subjected to strict controls and tests of compatibility and efficacy conducted in collaboration with scientific research institutes and universities.

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